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 Ryou's SuperDuper Cyborgy Armory

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Posts : 11
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Join date : 2010-08-11
Age : 28
Location : South Blue

Ryou's SuperDuper Cyborgy Armory Empty
PostSubject: Ryou's SuperDuper Cyborgy Armory   Ryou's SuperDuper Cyborgy Armory I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 8:59 pm

SuperDuper Shield-o-matic 4576 = Ryou's left fore arm expands and becomes shield-like. And, due to its being constructed of metal, the shield is able to block most attacks from swords, fists and slower projectiles.

SuperDuper Destruct-o-weapon 9357XX.00 = The top part of Ryou's right fore arm raises up and reveals its other identity: It is a sub machine gun. Example:

SuperDuper Flight Modulator... <.<"...thingie...>.>= A set of mechanical wings holstered inside of Ryou's back. Allows temporal flight. (More like Spyro-style gliding)
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Posts : 11
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Join date : 2010-08-11
Age : 28
Location : South Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Ryou's SuperDuper Cyborgy Armory   Ryou's SuperDuper Cyborgy Armory I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 12, 2010 10:20 am

SuperDuper Shield-o-matic 4576 = Ryou's left fore arm expands and becomes shield-like. And, due to its being constructed of metal, the shield is able to block most horizontal attacks from swords, fists and slower projectiles.

SuperDuper Destruct-o-weapon 9357XX.00 = The top part of Ryou's right fore arm raises up and reveals its other identity: It is a sub machine gun. Howvever, since this piece of weaponry is still new to Ryou, he isn't used to the recoil, so he can only shoot off a limited amount of bullets
Example: You know how Buzz has his laser beam gun on his arm? This is basicallly like that, except its in Ryou's skin, and it shoots bullets.

SuperDuper Flight Modulator... <.<"...thingie...>.>= A set of mechanical wings holstered inside of Ryou's back. Allows temporal flight. (More like Spyro-style gliding)

EDIT: I... err... saw what some people said in chat, and, well, I changed some things up a bit ">.>
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Nero Morgan

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Join date : 2010-06-09

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PostSubject: Re: Ryou's SuperDuper Cyborgy Armory   Ryou's SuperDuper Cyborgy Armory I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 12, 2010 11:21 am

Not sure why you repeated it. But it seems alright. All you have to do is just make sure you do not shoot the smg constantly. otherwise its no problem.
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PostSubject: Re: Ryou's SuperDuper Cyborgy Armory   Ryou's SuperDuper Cyborgy Armory I_icon_minitime

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