One Piece: Dawn of the Pirates
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One Piece: Dawn of the Pirates

A One piece RP start as a small pirate or marine, but grow to rule the seven seas or to rid the seas of the pirates
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 Finding a Path

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Posts : 11
Points : 14
Join date : 2010-08-11
Age : 28
Location : South Blue

Finding a Path Empty
PostSubject: Finding a Path   Finding a Path I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 14, 2010 5:49 am

After quite some time at sea, Ryou finally found land. He soon anchored near the shore and swam on to the land. The water was sort of warm. He looked around as he stood up. Some people looked at him like he was a freak. He didn't care. Let them stare.

Quickly, he went inside the city. He had to get some supplies. But from where? Ryou didn't know what this town was even called. He'd have to find someone to help him and fast. His stomach rumbled loudly. He tried to ignore it but it was so loud, so obnoxious. It was like a dog begging to be fed. Annoying and pitiful.

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